カードセット「Let’s Imagine・・・」
Card set "Let’s Imagine…"
A pleasurable/enjoyable tool for developing ideas
発想を育む美しいツールが欲しい・・・。ご家庭・学校・職場でのふとした合間に、豊かな発想の時間をお届けできるようカードセット「Let’s Imagine・・・」が誕生しました。オズボーンのキーワードひとつにつき、切り絵カードと想像カードが各2セット(計4枚)、合計36枚のカードセットです。それぞれにテーマと小さなお話がついていて、持っているだけで楽しい気持ちになる「Let’s imagine・・・」は、あなたの気持ちをリリースしたり、豊かな発想を育む縁の下の力持ちになってくれることでしょう。
We want a pleasurable tool for developing ideas. The "Lets imagine" card set was created to enrich thinking on a whim at homes, schools and businesses. The set comes with a total of 36 cards, two sets of cutouts and prints (4 total) for each keyword from Osborn’s Checklist. Each card has a theme and a short story that, just by holding, reading and viewing it, will help you to free your mind and release the hidden strength for richly developing ideas. An explanation on how to use the cards is also provided on the cards.
アートディレクター 浪本 浩一
Official Site
Koichi Namimoto, Art Director
Graphic designer. After stints at design companies in Tokyo and Osaka, founded langDesign in 2005. Currently involved in many projects related to education, medical care and communities. Strictly client-based from his in-house years until present. The type of designer who cannot think without talking directly to the customer. Always pleasant and cheerful while listening to customers. Keen and sharp thinker: when looking for a place to shine a light, though conventional wisdom may suggest here or there, Namimoto selects a spot that he wants to emphasize.